JH Model Health: Helping women feel confident and sexy in their own skin without guilt.

You don’t have to choose between feeling healthy and hot and living with restrictions for the rest of your life.

Could you benefit from working with a Health coach?

Fed up with your body and not seeing the changes you want?

Eating "clean" but aren't seeing any changes so you try another diet?

You're "good during the week" but lose progress over the weekend only to start over again on Monday?

Over gaining and losing the same amount of weight?

Tired of the confusion on how to workout and eat?

It’s time.

you can reach your goals and maintain a fun social life

bring a new level of focus and drive to your health

stop wasting time on fad diets and endless workouts

address the things that are preventing you from getting results

you can shrink your measurements without going to the gym

"Jane's approach to health from a holistic viewpoint is incredible. She truly educates and encourages clients to find what is best for them. I have learned not only lots about nutrition, but how to not feel guilty for having a social life. She's so friendly and supportive, but professional and honest. The perfect balance! If you're needing help, work with Jane.”


My programs were born out of years of experience helping change their bodies physically as well as developing a happy mindset.

Changing your body can be made simple, but it takes commitment and work.

I’m Jane. After years of dancing ballet professionally and modeling I was left struggling with low self esteem and feeling confident in my own skin. 

In my quest to be healthier (i.e. thinner) I tried over exercising, categorizing food as “good and bad,” and following all sorts of crazy rules. 

After getting my degree in exercise science and nutrition I started to realize that there is no perfect way to be healthy. 

I saw that trainers and workouts were pushing methods that would lead some women to bulk, even though they were told it couldn’t happen. I began to train women in ways that made them feel good and not burnt out, but perhaps more importantly for them changed their bodies. They were losing inches off of their hips and waist, leaning out their thighs, and toning the booty. The best part was that they could work out anywhere to maintain results.

Ready to love what you see in the mirror?

You’ve come to the right place.


“I have thoroughly enjoyed training with Jane. She designs new workouts each week and adapts according to which area of the body I want to target. Working with Jane, I have noticed an improved difference overall in muscle tone and strength. Further, she is always willing to work with my schedule to fit in the workouts, which is greatly appreciated.”



1:1 onboarding calls

Daily and weekly online check-ins to see physical and mental progress

Consistency challenges

Fitness training video demos

Weekly workout plans based around client’s schedule

resource library

address the mess, address life issues, get nutrition in check, live your life



Enjoy a new-found appreciation for your body and yourself

have a fit body without size or bulk

feel amazing in your own skin and your clothes

learn habits to carry you into social outings and vacation

get fit without hours in the gym or endless HIIT workouts